Our Projects & Services
- To support the Rwanda Biomedical Center to conduct operations research
- Designing program for use of telemedicine to increase access to health services.
- Build the capacity of in services health care providers (nurses, midwives & medical doctors) and health facility managers.
- Improved digital health literacy for health care providers; nurses and midwives working in rural public health areas.
- Conduct capacity building for health providers working in public health facilities in provision Quality SRH services.
- Support in the development of Sexual reproductive health services delivery guidelines.
- To design and implement program for integration of comprehensive reproductive health.
- Support the provision of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) to adolescents and youth visiting public youth centers and primary health facilities.
- Strengthen the provision of comprehensive youth friendly sexual reproductive health service in youth centers and youth corners.
- Telemedicine project implementation; Remotely connect Nurse and midwives working rural health centers to doctors in district hospitals to improve access to Sexual reproductive health services.
- Strengthen the capacity of Isange One Stop Center (GBV Centers) in the provision of integrated sexual reproductive health services.
- Strengthen the provision of post abortion care contraceptive methods.
- To use Information and communications technology (ICT) Platform in SRH education; including social media platform.
- Organize training for nurses and midwives to provide basics knowledge and skills to the use of ultrasound machine.
- Support district health unit/public health facilities to implement strategies that aim to improve the health of women during pregnancy and childbirth.
- To provide technical and financial to conduct training of health providers in provision of comprehensive abortion services.
- Where needed supply a stock of SRH commodities to public health facilities and public youth centers.
- To build the capacity of rural public health facilities and family planning health posts in provision of quality Sexual reproductive health services.
- Works in collaboration with healthcare professionals; SRHR champions, Nursing and midwives council, Society of obstetricians and gynecology to address the barriers to access to SRH services.
- Implement support groups and empowerment of vulnerable groups of adolescents and young people including teen mothers.
- Support public youth center and youth clubs to mobilize adolescents and young people to use sexual and reproductive health services.
- Organize recreation activities in youth centers and free wireless connection for sexual reproductive health education.
- In public youth centers; organize special day/ events for sexual reproductive education for adolescents and young people; special time to girls, boys, teen mothers, and sex workers.
- Conduct outreach campaigns in health education and services provision.
- To support vulnerable groups of youth to implement socio-economic strategies.
- Reduced number of teenage pregnancies.
- Reduced rate of sexual transmitted disease.
- Reduced disabilities and death related to pregnancy.
- Evidence are generated to inform policy decision in sexual reproductive health.
- Improved access to services for survivors of sex violence.
- Increased knowledge on reproductive health among adolescents, young people and women’s .
- Adolescents and youth are empowered to make informed choices about their sexual health.
- Increased accessibility of sexual reproductive health services (SRH) among adolescents, youth and women.
- Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platform are used for an improved access to SRH services in rural areas.
- Expanded geographic coverage of reproductive health services including family planning services and comprehensive abortion services.
- Increased capacity of health providers in provision of youth SRH friendly services.
- Underserved populations reached with quality sexual reproductive services
- Reduced FP methods drop-out rates by encouraging LARCs FP methods.
- Reduced misinformation, myths, stigma and other barriers to SRHR services.
- Reduced number of girls and women doing unsafe abortion.
- Significant Improvement in social economic conditions among vulnerable group of young people; teen mothers and increase self-confidence and hope for the future